Antepartum and postpartum monocyte distribution width values in patients with histopathologic chorioamnionitis
ACOG ePoster, Julie Vircks, 377005
Examining antenatal corticosteroid administration at a single center via a new proposed quality metric
ACOG ePoster, Tooba Anwer, 376972
Daily vs Twice Daily Dosing of Nifedipine for Blood Pressure Control in Pregnancy and Postpartum
ACOG ePoster, Isabelle C. Band, 376967
Analysis of Factors Contributing to Antenatal Corticosteroid Administration in Threatened Preterm Labor
ACOG ePoster, Leah Bode, 376966
Understanding the impact of expectant versus expedited delivery in the periviable period
ACOG ePoster, Natalie Passarelli; Alexa Stec Passarelli, 377002
Does the decision to perform cesarean delivery for non-reassuring fetal status vary by time of day?
ACOG ePoster, Bridget Huysman, 377006
Quantitative blood loss in Cesarean delivery is more accurate than visual estimation
ACOG ePoster, Charlotte Orzolek, 377007
Impact of neonatal drug screen on monitoring and management of neonatal opiate withdrawal syndrome
ACOG ePoster, Kristina Witcher, 377010
BMI had a negative effect on decision to incision times for urgent cesarean deliveries.
ACOG ePoster, Laura Deal, 377029
The majority of urgent cesarean sections had a decision to incision time > 30 minutes.
ACOG ePoster, Laura Deal, 377032
External Validation of Second Stage Vaginal Delivery Prediction Model
ACOG ePoster, Rachel Herz-Roiphe, 377040
Outpatient cervical ripening program evaluation: A comparison of osmotic cervical dilators and Foley balloon
ACOG ePoster, Kelly Drake, 377046
Perinatal Mental Illness in Canada: Canadian Healthcare Providers do not Feel Competent
ACOG ePoster, Jocelynn Cook, 377047
Outpatient Cervical Ripening: A Multicentered Retrospective Cohort Study
ACOG ePoster, Zi Yang (Susan) Dong, 377048
Inpatient Versus Outpatient Induction of Labor in Low-Risk Pregnancies: A Retrospective Cohort Study
ACOG ePoster, Zi Yang (Susan) Dong, 377049
Advanced maternal age associated with significantly increased cervical ripening times and decreased vaginal delivery rates
ACOG ePoster, Courtney Birchall, 376875
Outcomes for Obstetrician or Midwifery Intrapartum Care of Low-Risk Hospital Births
ACOG ePoster, Trisha Agarwal, 376885
Patient Characteristics Associated with Optimal Telemedicine Experience in Maternal-Fetal Medicine (MFM)
ACOG ePoster, Miranda Rep, 376881
Does Weaning of Buprenorphine in Pregnancy (in outpatient setting) Improves Neonatal and Maternal Outcome ?
ACOG ePoster, Darshan Shah, 376891
Emergency Department readmission for early pregnancy concerns among patients who speak Spanish
ACOG ePoster, Gabrielle Taper, 376874
Socioeconomic and Racial Trends in Human Papillomavirus Vaccination: A Ten-Year Retrospective Review
ACOG ePoster, Christina Bell, 376872
Comparing Early COVID-19 Abortion Care Innovations in Hospital vs. Non-Hospital Clinics: Data from a Nationwide Survey of Abortion Providers
ACOG ePoster, Luisa Silva, 376900
Cannabis Use in Pregnancy: Effects of a Hospital Policy on Toxicology Screening Practices
ACOG ePoster, Florence DiBiase, 377058
Risk of cesarean delivery varies by race and ethnicity among pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction
ACOG ePoster, Nichole Nilsen, 377068
The HPV at the abortion visit: the utility of video education
ACOG ePoster, Hillary McLaren, 377041
Racial Disparities in Cesarean Delivery Outcomes: Analysis of Native Hawaiians or Pacific Islanders and American Indians or Alaska Natives
ACOG ePoster, Robert Collins, 377076
Survival Outcomes of Kidney Transplantation among Women of Reproductive Age in the United States
ACOG ePoster, Oluwasegun A. Akinyemi, 376918
Racial Disparities in Total Abdominal Hysterectomy Postoperative Outcomes: Analysis including American Indian or Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islanders
ACOG ePoster, Olivia Manayan, 377078
Black Race and Racism Impact Likelihood of Undergoing Surgery After Referral to a Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgeon
ACOG ePoster, Ayana DeGaia, 377083
Prenatal Care Utilization among Pregnant Women with Substance Use Disorder: A Drug-Free Moms and Babies Project study
ACOG ePoster, Denise Dawley, 377025
Utility of Ferritin at Registration as a Screen for Development of Anemia in 3rd Trimester
ACOG ePoster, Isabelle Crary, 376849
Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Inpatient Postpartum HPV Vaccination among Pregnant Women
ACOG ePoster, Runzhi Wang, 377008
Racial Disparities in Vaginal Hysterectomy Postoperative Outcomes: Trends Using the NSQIP Database
ACOG ePoster, Brooklyn Cochrane, 377092
TeamBirth to Enhance Communication and Inpatient Maternity Care Experiences in English and Non-English Speaking Patients
ACOG ePoster, Tiffany Lacroix, 377142
Virtual Antenatal Group Contraception Counseling: A Pilot Study
ACOG ePoster, Keemi Ereme, 376832
Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Advanced Stage Type 2 Endometrial Cancer at Time of Diagnosis
ACOG ePoster, Pegah Blustein, 376999
Low optimism and social media use characteristics in pregnancy
ACOG ePoster, Nina Ayala, 376955
Comparison of Weaning and Non-Weaning of Medication Assisted Treatments in Pregnant and Postpartum women with Opioid Use Disorder– A Systematic Review
ACOG ePoster, Rakesh Adelli, 376997
Uterine and Ovarian Histopathology in Transmasculine and Non-Binary Patients on Testosterone Compared to Cis-Gender Control Patients
ACOG ePoster, Ella Damiano, 377159
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy Complicated by COVID-19 Infection
ACOG ePoster, Soumya Gogia, 377162
Predicting miscarriage and stillbirth using weighted ensemble machine learning
ACOG ePoster, Anagha Lokhande, 376821
Racial Disparities in National Emergency Department Utilization and Admissions for Pelvic and Perineal Pain (2016 to 2019)
ACOG ePoster, Darington Richardson, 376991
Tailored, just-in-time education and resources for birthing individuals and newborn caregivers after hospital discharge: developing a chatbot experience
ACOG ePoster, Hannah Arem, 376977
No transfer of merotocin (FE 202767) to breast milk in post-partum women: a novel short-acting oxytocin receptor agonist for the induction and support of lactation
ACOG ePoster, Teresa Baker, 376899
Real-time assessment of symptoms for postpartum care via a smartphone application: Pilot Evaluation
ACOG ePoster, Dikea Roussos-Ross, 376979
Postpartum mood assessment and intervention using a smartphone-based application
ACOG ePoster, Dikea Roussos-Ross, 376985
Postpartum Titration of Antihypertensives in Patients with Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
ACOG ePoster, Ashlyn Lafferty, 377141
Association between mode of delivery and abnormal scores on psychometric scales following stillbirth
ACOG ePoster, Dung Dang, 377123
Implementation of in-hospital postpartum glucose tolerance testing for people with gestational diabetes
ACOG ePoster, Nina Ayala, 376953
What Is the Most Cost-Effective Timing for Postpartum IUD Insertion?
ACOG ePoster, Alexis Leonetti, 377119
Implementation of a postpartum furosemide protocol in patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP)
ACOG ePoster, Melissa Foy, 377164
Healing at Home - Impacting Postpartum Outcomes Utilizing Clinical Practice Changes and Augmented Intelligence
ACOG ePoster, Kirstin Leitner, 377117
Postpartum Maternal Echocardiography and its Impact on Hospital Management in Patients with Severe Preeclampsia
ACOG ePoster, Patricia Rekawek, 377112
Remote Patient Monitoring for Postpartum Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
ACOG ePoster, Leah Spiro, 377100
Subjective versus objective pain assessment in the postpartum period: improving pain control after vaginal delivery
ACOG ePoster, Kali Stewart, 377096
Postpartum Insurance Discontinuity and Use of Prescription Contraceptive Methods
ACOG ePoster, Kimberly M. Schaefer, 377077
Predicting patients requiring treatment for depression in the postpartum period from common electronic medical record data antepartum using machine learning
ACOG ePoster, Colin Wakefield, 376867
Should Severe Pre-Eclampsia Be Considered a Risk Factor for Postpartum Depression and Anxiety?
ACOG ePoster, Sidney Broome, 377018
Diagnosis of Fetal Congenital Malformation as Risk Factor for Postpartum Depression
ACOG ePoster, Tatiana Doroskin, 377020
How are cord blood units being utilized? Releases at a private newborn stem cell bank in the U.S.
ACOG ePoster, Lauren Isley, 377022
Does a lower target of postpartum blood pressure reduce readmission rates in patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy?
ACOG ePoster, Christina Ge, 377023
Postpartum Readmission for Hypertension: The Patient Experience
ACOG ePoster, Radhika Viswanathan, 377061
Prediction of severe postoperative anemia after low-risk cesarean delivery
ACOG ePoster, Kazuma Onishi, 376898
Defined Protocol Including Quantitative Blood Loss Obviates the Need for Postpartum Day 1 Complete Blood Count in Uncomplicated Vaginal Deliveries
ACOG ePoster, Nicholas Stansbury, 376901
Mom HEART: Utilization of a Web Based Postpartum Hypertension Platform
ACOG ePoster, Mary Taylor Winsten, 376903
Differences in Rural and Urban Treatment of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety in the United States
ACOG ePoster, Lauren Gimbel, 377039
Improvement in HAMD-17 Subscale Scores With 14-day Treatment Course of Zuranolone in Postpartum Depression: Results From the SKYLARK Study
ACOG ePoster, Bassem Maximos, 376912
Up to Date in Pregnancy – Assessing Vaccination Status in Hepatitis C Positive Pregnant Persons
ACOG ePoster, Mary Angelides, 376917
Timing of COVID-19 Vaccination and Rates of Severe COVID-19 Infection
ACOG ePoster, Lauren Kucirka, 377044
Approach to intrapartum fever during the COVID-19 pandemic: A New York City hospital experience
ACOG ePoster, Aimee Parow, 377035
Acute Vulvar Aphthous (Lipschütz) Ulcer Following COVID-19 Vaccine - 2 Cases
ACOG ePoster, Karena Fassett, 376819
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Pregnancy Rates After Covid-19 Vaccination
ACOG ePoster, Savannah Groves, 376978
Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Substance Use in Pregnancy and Associated Neonatal Outcomes
ACOG ePoster, Kea Alexa Moncada, 376826
Pregnancy Outcomes Before and After the Emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.529 (Omicron) Variant
ACOG ePoster, Alexa Wolfe, 376869
Newborn outcomes following maternal COVID-19 infection in pregnancy and the potential role of infection severity
ACOG ePoster, Yosra Elsayed, 376928
Impact of SARS-CoV2 Infection on Hypertensive Disease of Pregnancy
ACOG ePoster, Alexandra Mills, 377156
Rate of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy with monoclonal antibody treatment for SARS-CoV-2 infection
ACOG ePoster, Caroline Smith, 376975
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-based study
ACOG ePoster, Moti Gulersen, 377133
Regional differences in COVID-19 vaccination and breakthrough infection rates by US Census region using Cerner Real-World Data
ACOG ePoster, Devon O'Brien, 376853
SARS CoV-2 Maternal Infection and Newborn Outcomes: A Comprehensive Systematic Review
ACOG ePoster, Tamara Ibrahim, 377080
Comparison of pregnancy and COVID-19 complications stratified by maternal vaccination status
ACOG ePoster, Omar Abuzeid, 376852
The effect of remdesivir on liver function test trends in pregnant people with COVID-19
ACOG ePoster, Lauren Kucirka, 376841
Trust in healthcare providers following 2-years of COVID: Perceptions from a Missouri Birthing Population
ACOG ePoster, Emily Williams, 377128
Medical Mistrust among Pregnant Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic
ACOG ePoster, Runzhi Wang, 377009
Psychological Trauma of COVID-19 in Pregnancy: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Recovery
ACOG ePoster, Kathleen Drexler, 377097
Impact of Policies Aiming to Restrict Ultrasound Use
ACOG ePoster, Anna Hemminger, 376965
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the management and telehealth care of spontaneous abortions
ACOG ePoster, Ariana Cucci, 377110
Provider preferences for utilization of video visits for prenatal care during the COVID-19 pandemic
ACOG ePoster, Alyssa Hersh, 376951
Evaluating OBGYN Resident Beliefs toward COVID-19 Vaccine and its Safety and Efficacy in Pregnancy: A National Survey
ACOG ePoster, Chandani Desai, 376946
Assessing Fertility Awareness in Female Medical Students, Trainees, and Attending Physicians
ACOG ePoster, Martha Doxsey, 376932
Gender and Race Discrepancies in Resident Research Output at a Tertiary Care Center
ACOG ePoster, Megan McNitt, 376931
Resident Perception of Obstetrics and Gynecology Pelvic Anatomy Curriculum: A National Survey
ACOG ePoster, Sharonne Holtzman, 377095
Did the Initiation of ACOG Surgical Curriculum Impact Accuracy of Videos Published on Youtube for OB/GYN Resident Education?
ACOG ePoster, Juanita Foncham, 376929
Virtual Platform Adaptation of Perinatal Depression Support Group: A Quality Improvement Study
ACOG ePoster, Sara Brescia, 376865
Before and After SB8: OBGYN Residency Application Patterns in Texas
ACOG ePoster, Natalie DiCenzo, 376835
The Dobbs decision and its geographical impact on future physician training
ACOG ePoster, Ariana M. Traub, 377147
Are There Video Characteristics That Improve the Accuracy and Quality of OBGYN Procedural Videos?
ACOG ePoster, Jamie McIlvaine, 377016
Advance Care Planning in Obstetrics: Effectiveness of a Didactic Intervention on Provider Comfort and Knowledge
ACOG ePoster, Emily Oliver, 376921
Analysis of Current Medical Student Mistreatment on the OBGYN Clerkship
ACOG ePoster, Nicholas Hazen, 376825
Applicant and Program Director Perceptions Regarding Virtual Interviewing and Signaling
ACOG ePoster, Zachary Schoppen, 376920

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